Updated on March 3, 2025

A “bucket list” – a highly experimental list of things to do before you kick the bucket.
So, here’s mine.

[ ]Feb ‘25Become an emergency nurse
[ ]Feb ‘25Become a pilot and fly an ultralight, glider, and Cessna
[ ]Mar ‘25Play guitar really well in front of others
[ ]Mar ‘25Take stunning photos
[ ]Mar ‘25Own a van and travel across a continent for 6 months
[ ]Mar ‘25Travel to Southeast Asia, Europe, North America, South America, the Pacific, and Africa
[ ]Mar ‘25Diving – complete GUE and technical diving. Dive a cave, a blue hole, and a wreck
[ ]Mar ‘25Learn programming languages (Python, C#, HTML/CSS, and Java)
[ ]Mar ‘25Learn frameworks (Astro, Bootstrap, and React)
[ ]Mar ‘25Complete an official/unofficial Bachelor-equivalent course in Computer Science
[ ]Mar ‘25Sketch a person, an object, and an environment in real life; also sketch a picture from imagination
[ ]Mar ‘25Deck out a Jimny for 4x4
[ ]Mar ‘25Sail and live on a yacht
[ ]Mar ‘25Release a video game
[ ]Mar ‘25Go skydiving
[ ]Mar ‘25Start a music channel
[ ]Mar ‘25Achieve financial independence – no debt, maxed-out super, and increase assets over liabilities
[ ]Mar ‘25Speak Spanish fluently
[ ]Mar ‘25Create a travel channel
[ ]Mar ‘25Develop an app
[ ]Mar ‘25Ride a skateboard like a pro (use an electric skateboard)
[ ]Mar ‘25Surf green waves
[ ]Mar ‘25Start a small business
[ ]Mar ‘25Start my own podcast